I was going on a motorbike with my dad and a guy came on a motorbike beside us...He was so handsome and cute he looked at me and smiled without knowing me i squeezed his cheeks... And he chuckled then he speeds up and goes ahead he meets 2 girls i felt jealous
Dreams are often influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and experiences in our waking life. In this dream, riding a motorbike with your dad could symbolize your relationship with authority figures or male figures in your life. The appearance of the handsome guy on the motorbike could represent a desire for excitement or new experiences in your life.
Squeezing his cheeks may symbolize a desire for playful interaction or a need for attention. Feeling jealous when he meets two girls could indicate feelings of insecurity or comparing yourself to others in waking life.
Overall, this dream may reflect subconscious feelings of seeking excitement, attention, and perhaps some insecurity in your personal relationships. It could be helpful to reflect on these feelings and how they might be influencing your thoughts and behaviors in your waking life.